The Australian Government has recently rolled out two changes intended to improve pricing transparency for Home Care Packages (HCP). Since November all funded aged care providers have been required to post a copy of their prices on the My Aged Care website.
From 1 July the government will also require all funded providers to adopt a new standardised pricing schedule. In the new pricing schedule administration fees have been abolished and all overheads must be included in the hourly service price. A printed copy of the new pricing schedule must be included in all Home Care Agreements.
The new schedule will apply to all new clients from 1 July. Providers have one year to transition all existing clients to the new schedule before 1 July 2020. Existing clients can only move to the new pricing schedule if they formally agree to.
Over the coming months HCP clients will be asked to agree to the new pricing schedule. If you have any questions about ECHO’s HCP pricing policy, please contact your Client Advisor on 9271 7011.
For more information about the Australian Government’s changes to pricing rules, please visit: